martes, 23 de febrero de 2021

SOLID (D): Dependency Inversion Principle

Dependency Inversion Principle

As a Java programmer, you’ve likely heard about code coupling and have been told to avoid tightly coupled code. Ignorance of writing “good code” is the main reason of tightly coupled code existing in applications. As an example, creating an object of a class using the new operator results in a class being tightly coupled to another class. Such coupling appears harmless and does not disrupt small programs. But, as you move into enterprise application development, tightly coupled code can lead to serious adverse consequences.

When one class knows explicitly about the design and implementation of another class, changes to one class raise the risk of breaking the other class. Such changes can have rippling effects across the application making the application fragile. To avoid such problems, you should write “good code” that is loosely coupled, and to support this you can turn to the Dependency Inversion Principle.

The Dependency Inversion Principle represents the last “D” of the five SOLID principles of object-oriented programming. Robert C. Martin first postulated the Dependency Inversion Principle and published it in 1996. The principle states:

“A. High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules. Both should depend on abstractions.
B. Abstractions should not depend on details. Details should depend on abstractions.”

Conventional application architecture follows a top-down design approach where a high-level problem is broken into smaller parts. In other words, the high-level design is described in terms of these smaller parts. As a result, high-level modules that gets written directly depends on the smaller (low-level) modules.

What Dependency Inversion Principle says is that instead of a high-level module depending on a low-level module, both should depend on an abstraction. Let us look at it in the context of Java through this figure.

In the figure above, without Dependency Inversion Principle, Object A in Package A refers Object B in Package B. With Dependency Inversion Principle, an Interface A is introduced as an abstraction in Package A. Object A now refers Interface A and Object B inherits from Interface A. What the principle has done is:

  1. Both Object A and Object B now depends on Interface A, the abstraction.

  2. It inverted the dependency that existed from Object A to Object B into Object B being dependent on the abstraction (Interface A).

Before we write code that follows the Dependency Inversion Principle, let’s examine a typical violating of the principle.

Dependency Inversion Principle Violation (Bad Example)

Consider the example of an electric switch that turns a light bulb on or off. We can model this requirement by creating two classes: ElectricPowerSwitch and LightBulb. Let’s write the LightBulb class first.

In the LightBulb class above, we wrote the turnOn() and turnOff() methods to turn a bulb on and off.

Next, we will write the ElectricPowerSwitch class.

In the example above, we wrote the ElectricPowerSwitch class with a field referencing LightBulb. In the constructor, we created a LightBulb object and assigned it to the field. We then wrote a isOn() method that returns the state of ElectricPowerSwitch as a boolean value. In the press() method, based on the state, we called the turnOn() and turnOff() methods.

Our switch is now ready for use to turn on and off the light bulb. But the mistake we did is apparent. Our high-level ElectricPowerSwitch class is directly dependent on the low-level LightBulb class. if you see in the code, the LightBulb class is hardcoded in ElectricPowerSwitch. But, a switch should not be tied to a bulb. It should be able to turn on and off other appliances and devices too, say a fan, an AC, or the entire lightning system of an amusement park. Now, imagine the modifications we will require in the ElectricPowerSwitch class each time we add a new appliance or device. We can conclude that our design is flawed and we need to revisit it by following the Dependency Inversion Principle.

Following the Dependency Inversion Principle

To follow the Dependency Inversion Principle in our example, we will need an abstraction that both the ElectricPowerSwitch and LightBulb classes will depend on. But, before creating it, let’s create an interface for switches.

We wrote an interface for switches with the isOn() and press() methods. This interface will give us the flexibility to plug in other types of switches, say a remote control switch later on, if required. Next, we will write the abstraction in the form of an interface, which we will call Switchable.

In the example above, we wrote the Switchable interface with the turnOn() and turnoff() methods. From now on, any switchable devices in the application can implement this interface and provide their own functionality. Our ElectricPowerSwitch class will also depend on this interface, as shown below:

In the ElectricPowerSwitch class we implemented the Switch interface and referred the Switchable interface instead of any concrete class in a field. We then called the turnOn() and turnoff() methods on the interface, which at run time will get invoked on the object passed to the constructor. Now, we can add low-level switchable classes without worrying about modifying the ElectricPowerSwitch class. We will add two such classes: LightBulb and Fan.

In both the LightBulb and Fan classes that we wrote, we implemented the Switchable interface to provide their own functionality for turning on and off. While writing the classes, if you have missed how we arranged them in packages, notice that we kept the Switchable interface in a different package from the low-level electric device classes. Although, this did not make any difference from coding perspective, except for an import statement, by doing so we have made our intentions clear- We want the low-level classes to depend (inversely) on our abstraction. This will also help us if we later decide to release the high-level package as a public API that other applications can use for their devices. To test our example, let’s write this unit test.

The output is:

Summary of the Dependency Inversion Principle

Robert Martin equated the Dependency Inversion Principle, as a first-class combination of the Open Closed Principle and the Liskov Substitution Principle, and found it important enough to give its own name. While using the Dependency Inversion Principle comes with the overhead of writing additional code, the advantages that it provides outweigh the extra effort. Therefore, from now whenever you start writing code, consider the possibility of dependencies breaking your code, and if so, add abstractions to make your code resilient to changes.

Dependency Inversion Principle and the Spring Framework

You may think the Dependency Inversion Principle is related to Dependency Injection as it applies to the Spring Framework, and you would be correct. Uncle Bob Martin coined this concept of Dependency Inversion before Martin Fowler coined the term Dependency Injection. The two concepts are highly related. Dependency Inversion is more focused on the structure of your code, its focus is keeping your code loosely coupled. On the other hand, Dependency Injection is how the code functionally works. When programming with the Spring Framework, Spring is using Dependency Injection to assemble your application. Dependency Inversion is what decouples your code so Spring can use Dependency Injection at run time.

SOLID (I): Interface Segregation Principle

Interface Segregation Principle

Interfaces form a core part of the Java programming language and they are extensively used in enterprise applications to achieve abstraction and to support multiple inheritance of type- the ability of a class to implement more than one interfaces. From coding perspective, writing an interface is simple. You use the interface keyword to create an interface and declare methods in it. Other classes can use that interface with the implements keyword, and then provide implementations of the declared methods. As a Java programmer, you must have written a large number of interfaces, but the critical question is- have you written them while keeping design principles in mind? A design principle to follow while writing interfaces is the Interface Segregation Principle.

The Interface Segregation Principle represents the “I” of the five SOLID principles of object-oriented programming to write well-designed code that are more readable, maintainable, and easier to upgrade and modify. This principle was first used by Robert C. Martin while consulting for Xerox, which he mentioned in his 2002 book, Agile Software Development: Principles, Patterns and Practices. This principle states that “Clients should not be forced to depend on methods that they do not use”. Here, the term “Clients” refers to the implementing classes of an interface.

What the Interface Segregation Principle says is that your interface should not be bloated with methods that implementing classes don’t require. For such interfaces, also called “fat interfaces”, implementing classes are unnecessarily forced to provide implementations (dummy/empty) even for those methods that they don’t need. In addition, the implementing classes are subject to change when the interface changes. An addition of a method or change to a method signature requires modifying all the implementation classes even if some of them don’t use the method.

The Interface Segregation Principle advocates segregating a “fat interface” into smaller and highly cohesive interfaces, known as “role interfaces”. Each “role interface” declares one or more methods for a specific behavior. Thus clients, instead of implementing a “fat interface”, can implement only those “role interfaces” whose methods are relevant to them.

Interface Segregation Principle Violation (Bad Example)

Consider the requirements of an application that builds different types of toys. Each toy will have a price and color. Some toys, such as a toy car or toy train can additionally move, while some toys, such as a toy plane can both move and fly. An interface to define the behaviors of toys is this.

A class that represents a toy plane can implement the Toy interface and provide implementations of all the interface methods. But, imagine a class that represents a toy house. This is how the ToyHouse class will look.

As you can see in the code, ToyHouse needs to provide implementation of the move() and fly() methods, even though it does not require them. This is a violation of the Interface Segregation Principle. Such violations affect code readability and confuse programmers. Imagine that you are writing the ToyHouse class and the intellisense feature of your IDE pops up the fly() method for auto complete. Not exactly the behavior you want for a toy house, is it?

Violation of the Interface Segregation Principle also leads to violation of the complementary Open Closed Principle. As an example, consider that the Toy interface is modified to include a walk( ) method to accommodate toy robots. As a result, you now need to modify all existing Toy implementation classes to include a walk method even if the toys don’t walk. In fact, the Toy implementation classes will never be closed for modifications, which will lead to a fragile application that is difficult and expensive to maintain.

Following the Interface Segregation Principle

By following the Interface Segregation Principle, you can address the main problem of the toy building application- The Toy interface forces clients (implementation classes) to depend on methods that they do not use.

The solution is- Segregate the Toy interface into multiple role interfaces each for a specific behavior. Let’s segregate the Toy interface, so that our application now have three interfaces:Toy, Movable, and Flyable.

In the examples above, we first wrote the Toy interface with the setPrice() and setColor() methods. As all toys will have a price and color, all Toy implementation classes can implement this interface. Then, we wrote the Movable and Flyable interfaces to represent moving and flying behaviors in toys. Let’s write the implementation classes.

As you can see, the implementation classes now implement only those interfaces they are interested in. Our classes do not have unnecessary code clutters, are more readable, and lesser prone to modifications due to changes in interface methods. 

Next, let’s write a class to create objects of the implementation classes.

In the code example above, we wrote the ToyBuilder class with three static methods to create objects of the ToyHouse, ToyCar, and ToyPlane classes. Finally, let’s write this unit test to test our example.

The output is:

Summary of Interface Segregation Principle

Both the Interface Segregation Principle and Single Responsibility Principle have the same goal: ensuring small, focused, and highly cohesive software components. The difference is that Single Responsibility Principle is concerned with classes, while Interface Segregation Principle is concerned with interfaces.Interface Segregation Principle is easy to understand and simple to follow. But, identifying the distinct interfaces can sometimes be a challenge as careful considerations are required to avoid proliferation of interfaces. Therefore, while writing an interface, consider the possibility of implementation classes having different sets of behaviors, and if so, segregate the interface into multiple interfaces, each having a specific role.

Interface Segregation Principle in the Spring Framework

A number of times on this blog I’ve written about programming for Dependency Injection when programming using the Spring Framework. The Interface Segregation Principle becomes especially important when doing Enterprise Application Development with the Spring Framework.

As the size and scope of the application you’re building grows, you are going to need pluggable components. Even when just for unit testing your classes, the Interface Segregation Principle has a role. If you’re testing a class which you’ve written for dependency injection, as I’ve written before, it is ideal that you write to an interface. By designing your classes to use dependency injection against an interface, any class implementing the specified interface can be injected into your class. In testing your classes, you may wish to inject a mock object to fulfill the needs of your unit test. But when the class you wrote is running in production, the Spring Framework would inject the real full featured implementation of the interface into your class.

The Interface Segregation Principle and Dependency Injection are two very powerful concepts to master when developing enterprise class applications using the Spring Framework.

SOLID (O): Open Closed Principle

Open Closed Principle

As applications evolve, changes are required. Changes are required when a new functionality is added or an existing functionality is updated in the application. Often in both situations, you need to modify the existing code, and that carries the risk of breaking the application’s functionality. For good application design and the code writing part, you should avoid change in the existing code when requirements change. Instead, you should extend the existing functionality by adding new code to meet the new requirements. You can achieve this by following the Open Closed Principle.

The Open Closed Principle represents the “O” of the five SOLID software engineering principles to write well-designed code that are more readable, maintainable, and easier to upgrade and modify. Bertrand Meyer coined the term Open Closed Principle, which first appeared in his book Object-Oriented Software Construction, release in 1988. This was about eight years before the initial release of Java.

This principle states: “software entities (classes, modules, functions, etc.) should be open for extension, but closed for modification “. Let’s zero in on the two key phrases of the statement:

  1. “Open for extension “: This means that the behavior of a software module, say a class can be extended to make it behave in new and different ways. It is important to note here that the term “extended ” is not limited to inheritance using the Java extend keyword. As mentioned earlier, Java did not exist at that time. What it means here is that a module should provide extension points to alter its behavior. One way is to make use of polymorphism to invoke extended behaviors of an object at run time.

  2. “Closed for modification “: This means that the source code of such a module remains unchanged.

It might initially appear that the phrases are conflicting- How can we change the behavior of a module without making changes to it? The answer in Java is abstraction. You can create abstractions (Java interfaces and abstract classes) that are fixed and yet represent an unbounded group of possible behaviors through concrete subclasses.

Before we write code which follows the Open Closed Principle, let’s look at the consequences of violating the Open Closed principle.

Open Closed Principle Violation (Bad Example)

Consider an insurance system that validates health insurance claims before approving one. We can follow the complementary Single Responsibility Principle to model this requirement by creating two separate classes. A HealthInsuranceSurveyor class responsible to validate claims and a ClaimApprovalManager class responsible to approve claims.

Both the HealthInsuranceSurveyor and ClaimApprovalManager classes work fine and the design for the insurance system appears perfect until a new requirement to process vehicle insurance claims arises. We now need to include a new VehicleInsuranceSurveyor class, and this should not create any problems. But, what we also need is to modify the ClaimApprovalManager class to process vehicle insurance claims. This is how the modified ClaimApprovalManager will be:


In the example above, we modified the ClaimApprovalManager class by adding a new processVehicleClaim( ) method to incorporate a new functionality (claim approval of vehicle insurance).

As apparent, this is a clear violation of the Open Closed Principle. We need to modify the class to add support for a new functionality. In fact, we violated the Open Closed Principle at the very first instance we wrote the ClaimApprovalManager class. This may appear innocuous in the current example, but consider the consequences in an enterprise application that needs to keep pace with fast changing business demands. For each change, you need to modify, test, and deploy the entire application. That not only makes the application fragile and expensive to extend but also makes it prone to software bugs.

Coding to the Open Closed Principle

The ideal approach for the insurance claim example would have been to design the ClaimApprovalManager class in a way that it remains:

  • Open to support more types of insurance claims.

  • Closed for any modifications whenever support for a new type of claim is added.

To achieve this, let’s introduce a layer of abstraction by creating an abstract class to represent different claim validation behaviors. We will name the class InsuranceSurveyor.

Next, we will write the specific classes for each type of claim validation.

In the examples above, we wrote the HealthInsuranceSurveyor and VehicleInsuranceSurveyor classes that extend the abstract InsuranceSurveyor class. Both classes provide different implementations of the isValidClaim( ) method. We will now write the ClaimApprovalManager class to follow the Open/Closed Principle.

In the example above, we wrote a processClaim( ) method to accept a InsuranceSurveyor type instead of specifying a concrete type. In this way, any further addition of InsuranceSurveyor implementations will not affect the ClaimApprovalManager class. Our insurance system is now open to support more types of insurance claims, and closed for any modifications whenever a new claim type is added. To test our example, let’s write this unit test.

The output is:


Most of the times real closure of a software entity is practically not possible because there is always a chance that a change will violate the closure. For example, in our insurance example a change in the business rule to process a specific type of claim will require modifying the ClaimApprovalManager class. So, during enterprise application development, even if you might not always manage to write code that satisfies the Open Closed Principle in every aspect, taking the steps towards it will be beneficial as the application evolves.